Art book by Andrew Liles (Nurse With Wound) with a 20 minute CD of music (Andrew Liles music + Narration by Maude Swift).”A vile, ridiculous, sickening, relentless, rhyming sonnet of 70 verses with a collection of exotic and erotic images that have been extensively adapted and collaged in Photoshop and spread over 48 pages. Not that we think the imagery is in any way shocking or excessive BUT three printers (KDG, SNA and MPO) in France refused to print this book. This book evolved over five years and eventually found a home at Timeless, the amazing French art publisher who have issued books by some of my favourite artists including Val Denham, Trevor Brown and Shintaro Kago.” — Andrew Liles
10.15 x 10.15 (25 x 25 cm) – 48 pages in colours – Soft cover